Terrasat Communications designs and manufactures innovative RF solutions for Satellite Communications systems. Our ground-breaking IBUC – the Intelligent Block Upconverter – brings advanced features and performance to C-band, X-band, Ku-band, DBS-band and Ka-band satellite earth terminals and VSAT’s. Our products offer exceptional value at reasonable cost, thereby allowing our customers to stay ahead of their competitors. Through conservative engineering, Terrasat products have gained a reputation for enduring over the long term in extreme operating conditions.

Company Website: http://www.terrasatinc.com

Event Contacts

Name Bob Hansen Laura Sordello
Title V.P. Global Sales & Marketing Marketing Coordinator
Email bhansen@terrasatinc.com lsordello@terrasatinc.com
Tel 14087825911 14087825911
Cell 16023216221
Posted in Exhibitor.