Satellite Innovation returns to the Silicon Valley Computer History Museum for 2018. Here, leaders of the satellite industry gather to share the latest industry trends and collaborate on new innovative ideas.
Hosted by SatNews, an industry leader is satellite news, media and events for over 30 years, Satellite Innovation is tailored specifically for the satellite industry, and strives to provide a big picture takeaway of how new technologies are influencing SatCom businesses, and how organizations can optimally utilize these developements. In an ever-evolving industry, we also know the importance of interpersonal connections and strive to foster an environment conducive to focused converstations and networking.
Us vs. Them:
What makes Satellite Innovation different than other conferences?
- Our commitment to a cohesive and complete attendee experience.
- Enlightening and diverse speakers with deep industry experience.
- Our commitment to your privacy.
- Exceptional complimentary meals & refreshment breaks.
- A comprehensive and fluid exhibitor/sponsor experience.
Your Hosts:
Based in the San Francisco Bay Area, SatNews Publishers is proud to host the Satellite Innovation conference. Founded in 1983 SatNews is a leading provider of satellite events, news, publications, research and other satellite industry information in both commercial and military enterprises worldwide.
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